Sunday, October 16, 2011

"The time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted."

That quote about wasting time is from John Lennon. He allows me to see that Strawberry fields really do last forever. I don't know what that exactly means. I just wanted to add a lame joke. Basically, this post is about 7 things I have done to "waste" time.

1. Chinese Acrobats. Yup, I bet you didn't expect that one to be first on the list; however, it was one of the coolest things I have seen. The National Acrobats of the Republic of China came to perform at our school. I attended and was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Matt says I have "yellow fever." No words can do justice to how extreme the performance was. The biggest question of the night was "how?" How do they do that? How do they fit 24 people on one bicycle? How do they juggle humans? How many years have they practiced this? How do they not fall? How do they Come Together? (Scratch that last one-- just wanted to add another Lennon Joke) How tall are they? How are they so cool? How am I so incredibly lame? Etc. Needless to say, it was a success of a night.

2. Pumpkin Spice Lattes-- love me latte. Fall is a great time of year. College Station has not obtained the beautiful fall weather yet, but I am sure it is on it's way. In the meantime, pumpkin spice lattes will suffice.

3. Visiting Home. This was such a joy! I decided to take the 3 hour drive to Colleyville last Saturday. It was the first time I was able to visit home since the beginning of school. It was great to be greeted by my parents and my puppies, along with Saturday football snacks. I am convinced I have the coolest family. Also, see number 4.

4. Halloween Treats. I was bombarded with a Halloween basket, cookies, and treats for my roommates by the Mothership. This epic basket contains: a Halloween kitchen towel, hello kitty dressed for in her costume, pumpkin carving stickers, a light-up lantern, Halloween ribbon, window clings, chocolate, and pumpkin post-it notes. Mothership also put together delicious cookies and a Halloween s'more package for my roommates. Mothership is also a term of endearment. Precious.

5. Studying, kind of. I think my favorite part about studying is the camaraderie of fellow studs, or study-ers, and the "delirium point." Rule number one of studs: They always stick together. There are countless times the night before a test where I have received a text message from a fellow stud saying, "I'm not going to study," or "I'm going to fail," or just profanity. Studs bond over the fact of  the mutual hatred for tests. Rule number two: They never want to study. Studs will do almost anything to not study. My friend, Allison, was studying for an Organic Chemistry test. How did we avoid studying? We sang a song. This song was not a cool American Idol one (those are cool, right?), but instead it went something like this...

"O Come All Ye Gases
diatomic wonders
O come ye oh come ye
calls Avogadro

Come all ye moles
6 x 10 to the 23rd
O molar mass and molecules
O volume, pressure and temperature
O molar volume of gases at S.T.P."

Cool, I know. That song right there also sums up the "delirium point." This is the point where all your actions should not occur in any social setting, because you will embarrass yourself. Low Point: Allison and I sung that song in the middle of a coffee shop. No shame.

6. Intelligence, or lack there of.

  • "Smart" Phone: Shannon upgraded her phone to the new IPhone. This phone has a voice activation feature which allows you to ask questions, such as "Where is the nearest movie theater?" or "Call ____." We used it for entertainment. The applications name is Siri. We asked questions to Siri for about an hour. Easily amused. However, when we said, "I love you" to the application, Siri simply answered, "I am only here to serve you." Yes, we got turned down by a piece of technology. 
  • Fence, or not: We got new neighbors this week! They ran into our fence with their truck! There is a huge hole in it. I guess they just really wanted to have a way to communicate with us at all times. 
  • Singing for a Salutation: This is how we make new neighbors. Shannon is an excellent singer. I was studying outside on our porch and Shannon was singing inside. A group was walking by our house and heard her singing. They looked at our house awkwardly, laughed, and then approached me to chat. We are great friends now. Kudos  Shannon.

We are smart.

7. Pi Phi Dad's Weekend. Pops came into town this weekend to watch the Baylor game. It was an awesome weekend. Friday, the roomies and our dad's all went out to eat together. It was great bonding. On Saturday, we went to the A&M vs. Baylor game. This was an awkward game for the fact that A&M alienated Baylor to go to the SEC. Baylor threatened to sue us. We won 55-28. Even more awkward. Our student section started chanting "SEC" towards the end of the game. They also hung a banner over the side of the student section saying, "thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's conference deal." See below. After that game, we just relaxed. It was nice to spend some quality time with the pops. All of the dad's are great friends now. All you need is love, right? Kidding, i am still just trying to have a successful John Lennon joke.

"Wasting" time is the best.

Have such a stellar week. Love.

Psalm 16:11 
For You will make known to me the path of life, 
In your presence is FULLNESS of joy, 
and in Your right hand are pleasures forever. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

the ridiculous life.

I have 2 midterms tomorrow. For some reason, I am sitting here updating this blog. It's probably not the best decision; however, this leads me into the point of this post-- finding a lot of fun things to do in limited spare time. Most of the memories that I have do not include being trapped in a study room for 6 hours of my day. I consider that a success. However, they do include random adventures with friends. This is a recap of the fun things that have happened in the past little bit:

Butter Beer. 
There is no doubt in my mind that this will make my day better. Nerd moment: it's from Harry Potter. They sell it at a local coffee shop named Muldoons. It's a great study break. 

Sonic Happy Hour.
I skipped class the other day just to get a diet coke from Sonic happy hour. This was completely justified in my head as a smart idea. It probably wasn't that intelligent, but no regrets. Amy and I stop almost everyday before we come home from class. 

McDonald's Happy Meals. 
Last week, A&M had a brutal lost to Arkansas (No further explanation. I'm still upset). The only thing that could cheer me up was a happy meal. You may think I am joking, but I am not. No shame. I went to McDonald's with Shannon and pulled up to the drive-thru. I politely asked for a "happy meal...for a girl" (you have to make sure you declare what kind of toy you want) and waited for a response. The worker mimicked my voice. I sat there in silence for about 10 seconds in astonishment, looked at Shannon, then laughed. What did he do? He mimicked my laugh, naturally. For about the next 2 minutes, I was mimicked. It was great. We bonded through a speaker box. Needless to say, it made me happy. 

The last 3 points revolve around food/drink. That's embarrassing. 
The last 2 points revolve around the word, "happy." That makes me feel better.

Astros Game.
I road tripped to Houston to see an Astro's game for a date party. It was completely stellar.

Butterfly Garden.
This is a hidden treasure at A&M, or no one thinks it is cool enough to actually spread the word. It is awesome though. My friend, Elizabeth, and I journeyed before class to find this garden. We heard it was in the Chemical Engineering building. We felt out of place. First of all, we were the only girls in about a 2 mile radius. We also were the only ones talking. Our excuse was that we are communication majors. We opened the door to the stairwell and walked up 7 flights of stairs, just to realize that the door to the outside was locked. We then realized that every door from the stairwell to the inside of the building was locked. Yes, I know...that's awkward. We were stuck in a stairwell. What did we do? We laughed. We eventually banged on the first floor door until some innocent soul unlocked it for us with eyes of judgement. Lovely. 

By the end of this, we realized we were in the wrong building. Communication majors are so smart. We are adventuring to the right building tomorrow. 

Grand-Little Revelation.
I received my grand-little in Pi Phi. When you first become a Pi Phi, you receive a "big sister" from the grade above you. This year, my "little" got her "little," which made me a "grand-big." At revelation night, each family dresses up as something. This year, my family were pumpkins. The new member goes on a scavenger hunt and collects their outfit, then they walk into the room where the other members are. They find their outfit and are adopted into the family. It's precious.

Amy's Birthday.
My darling roommate, Amy, turned 20. Amy is such a sweetheart and absolutely hilarious. Trace, her boyfriend, has the same birthday. It's odd, but ignore that fact. At midnight, Shannon came out with a bubble-maker and we started singing "Happy Birthday." This was an obnoxious bubble-maker. We slipped in puddles of bubble spit afterwards. Epic. We decorated the house with balloons, diet cokes, cards, and banners. That night, we went to BJ's with a couple of friends to celebrate. It was a successful birthday. 

Football Games.
Aggie football games are still delightful, even though we have played horrible the past two weeks. A group of us pulled with the Corps of Cadets 2 weeks ago and got to sit 5 rows from the field. Mediocre, I know. 

Today, I quoted "Lord of the Rings" 5 times today. This was all before noon. This is a serious problem. Social norms-- over them. I will update again soon and try to be more interesting. Sorry, my life is lame. 

Miss you, greatly.
Love you, more. 

John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."