Monday, April 2, 2012

A Ketchup.

How cool is it that I have been so busy? This past month or two has been incredibly challenging trying to balance all the different aspects of my life, but it has been even cooler to see how faithful the Lord has truly been. I'll use this blog post to mainly catch up on the things that my proud parents would want me to inform you about.

The Conference on Student Government Associations (COSGA) happened the last weekend in February. This is an organization that I have been involved with for the past three years. It is a four day conference where student government leaders from around the nation, as well as some international schools, come together to collaborate ideas, network, learn how to implement innovative programs on their campus, discuss issues, and have a stinkin' ton of fun. It's the largest conference of its' kind. This year, I was the Programming Executive, which meant I was in charge of the scheduling, workshops, roundtables, keynote speakers, and the conference side of planning. The conference was such an experience and the delegates absolutely raved about it. We barely slept, but that was probably the best part. I lived on coffee-- what else is new? I had no voice at the end of it. Saw way too many 15 passenger vans. Wore way too much business professional. And all of it was glorious. The experience surpassed by expectations. I met so many awesome and unique people. As of Sunday, I was chosen to serve as the Director for the new year. I am so excited to choose my new executive staff and get the year rolling-- I know we will have a committee of complete all-stars.
Around the same time of conference, elections for the university were also concluding. Student elections are HUGE at Texas A&M-- the biggest I have heard of at a university. These elections include the student body president, the yell leaders, senators, class council presidents, and class agents. Candidates put together campaign teams, consisting on average of 200 people, to help paint banners, use social media to  promote their cause, hold the banners, wear tshirts, etc. It is hectic around campus and most students avoid certain parts of campus where all the banners are held. My dear friend, Drew, ran for student body president. He is a class act. Here is a little video that I was in to support him-- it gives you an insight to elections.

On another note of elections, I was part of a team that ran for Class Agents and we were selected. Class Agents serves as a liaison between the Class of 2013 and The Association of Former Students. We keep the class in contact after graduation with newsletters, condolence letters, etc. We help plan the class gift and the reunions. It is so cool to be with an incredible team who has such a heart for the school they go to. It was truly humbling to see the support from our friends.

Did I mention one of my friends, who is also on my class agents team, is one of our new yell leaders? How legit. Couldn't be more proud of him. He is a character and I couldn't think of a better representation for the university.
Our philanthropy event for Pi Phi was a huge success. We our annual dodgeball tournament, "Dodge the Arrow," to raise money for the Barbara Bush Parent Center and FirstBook in order to promote literacy. We had about 60 teams compete. I coached "The Butterfingers." They unfortunately didn't make it very far, but I kept telling everyone that we were in the championship round. I told them "Reilly's don't lose." 

Here are just a few pictures of the greatest loves around. We've ate glorious food, played bingo, and visited the park quite a few times. 

Sorry this post was pretty tedious to read and quite lame. I promise the next one will be full of excitement and interesting adventures. Miss and love you all. Can't believe it's almost Easter. 

"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called."
1 Timothy 6:12

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